"The finest lives, in my opinion, are those who rank in the common model, and with the human race, but without miracle, without extravagance." -- Michel de MontaigneOne of my newest weekend addictions is the programming on WE tv. Unfortunately for me, they have 10 hours of wedding shows scheduled on Sundays, ranging from the very lavish (Platinum Weddings) to the very trashy (Bridezillas). I initially tuned in to try to get some ideas for my wedding, but I quickly found the shows more entertaining than informative. The things the brides ask for and the temper tantrums some of them throw are absolutely ridiculous. I made Alphonse watch a few snipets of the shows so he could appreciate what a good bride-to-be I am :) , which, of course, he already did anyways. And since I doubt I'll have too much free time during the weekends once classes get into full swing, I thought I'd mention this now before things get too crazy. For preview clips of each of the shows, go here: Platinum Weddings (the classier of the two shows) or Bridezillas.

"Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy in his dwelling place." -- 1 Chronicles 16:27
1 comment:
OMG smiley.... i have never imagined for my wedding to be the way its turning out to be.. but at the same time i have never imagined that wedding planning is so tiring... the first 2 weeks were soo exciting but after a month of planning everything seem so repetitive.. is it just me? haha although i still manage to always peek at wedding sites and what not of course to try to put all of this together hehe.. anyways... i love ur wedding entries.. so i bit off of you and started one myself ahahahah! TC!!
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