"It is exercise alone that supports the spirits, and keeps the mind in vigor." -- Marcus Tullius CiceroWith my bikini-clad cruise days still in recent memory and the weather hinting at the start of summer, now seems like an appropriate time to bring up the dreaded "wedding workout plan." It seems I underestimated how big a role this issue would play in my wedding planning-- but I quickly realized my error after scanning a few websites for brides-to-be. Here is just a sampling of the sites I stumbled upon: theknot and bridal guide. I mean, it does make some sense since I plan to remember my wedding forever (and I'll be paying some photographer a lot of money to help me do so!) And considering my wedding might be the single day when I have the most pictures taken of me, it would be nice to look as fit as possible, so then years from now I can show my kids my wedding album and say "See, mommy and daddy used to be so good looking, right?"... or maybe that was just my parents :) . All that being said and done, I will probably try a little harder to eat healthily and go to the gym regularly over the next year or so, but to be honest, Alphonse and I already try to do both of those things, so it shouldn't be too hard. At the end of the day it definitely helps that we often eat and workout together, since fitness is just one of the many ways we can encourage each other!
I may give more details about a specific workout plan closer to the actual wedding date, so check back later if you're interested. Until then, here are a few photos of us baring a little skin and being as silly as usual. Alphonse looooves taking photos, can't you just tell from his facial expressions?!

1 comment:
I agree about the photos, also the workout and diet but the two of you have nothing to worry about youth and fitness is on your side, It is the rest of us (older folks) who need diet and exercise so the father of the groom went for a bike ride yesterday, and I have been trying to be fit since the day you got engaged, so hopefully by the wedding it will show a little. Love you Rosanne
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