"All poetry is an ordered voice, one who tries to tell you a vision in the unvisionary language of farm, city, and love" -- Paul EngleAs two suburbanites verging on city dwellers, you might say that Al and I are not exactly the rural type. This news might come as a surprise to anyone who witnessed this spectacle this past weekend:

Yes, my future hubby helped plant corn, pick onions, and drive a tractor. Sadly, these are things I was doing when I was short, bald, and barely walking:

And while I don't think we'll be leaving our urban living any time soon, Al makes a pretty good farmer in training. With all this talk of farming and farm living, it's at least worth mentioning the new t.v. show, "Farmer Wants a Wife." It seems you can make a reality show about just about any thing these days. There seem to be two sorts of wedding-geared reality shows out there: 1) those geared towards finding "the one" (think The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, Flavor of Love, Rock of Love...), and 2) those geared towards capturing the chaos/bliss of wedding planning (think Bridezillas, airing this Sunday). I'm sure I'll have more to say about such shows another day, but for now, I speak for myself and say that I don't need a farmer or a city boy, just the boy I have, just the way he is.
Also, expect more wedding planning details soon...
"Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains. You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near." -- James 5:7-8
1 comment:
everyone has a little farmer in them =]
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