"Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring, productive deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid" -- Frank ZappaHappy Sunday! And speaking of Sundays, I should have done this sooner, but our wedding date is set! We will be getting married on (drum roll please... ) August 23, 2009!
We've been getting a few questions about the date, so I figured I'd address them now :) . First of all, "Why August 23rd?" We chose the date for a few random reasons: 1) It was one of the few late summer dates available at our reception venue, 2) Al believes the number 23 is lucky... I mean, it's Michael Jordan's number, and if our marriage is half as successful as his career, we're in good shape! (it's also one of my favorite psalms), 3) Al and I met on the 23rd (not of August) so we can attach some (pseudo) significance to the date. The second question we've been getting is: "Why a Sunday wedding?" Again, a few reasons: 1) Most of the Saturdays in July, August, and September were already taken when we checked last month (a year and a half in advance!), 2) Sundays cost slightly less, 3) Apparently Sundays and Fridays are the new Saturday (not really, but read this and this).
All of this official-ness is really exciting. :)

"The LORD is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want... Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever." -- Psalm 23:1,6
1 comment:
yay! im soooooo excited!
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