"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art." -- Oscar WildeCongrats to Maris and Ryan on their recent engagement! And belated congratulations to my room mate Faaiza and her fiance Zack, who recently got engaged as well. It makes me ridiculously happy to see my friends getting engaged. Seriously.
To further lighten up this dreary Wednesday, I thought I'd mention my new favorite thing: the very sims-like "dress your wedding" feature by David's Bridal (log-in using alphonse.katrina@gmail.com, password = guest). While some of the options for accessories and facial/body features are limited (definitely not up to Nintendo mii standards), it is definitely a fun way to waste a few minutes (or more). Viola:

And while I plan to have my bridesmaids in cocktail length dresses (summery, right?), I haven't decided much beyond that, so don't necessarily expect a real-life version of this. As for the guys, let it be known that Al did their dressing. Fashion designing at its finest.
And speaking of new favorite things... this website I stumbled upon, style me pretty, happens to be one of them.
"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest" -- Isaiah 32:18
i lovvvveeee the color! yes yellow is the best idea ever. woot!
the sim city wedding oarty is absolutely cute! hehe.
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