Ok. so I like photo booths. Seeee:
Actually I like most things photo-related, including, but not limited to: photographs, photo opportunities, photo albums, and photosynthesis.
At times my "I love photographs. Let's take another picture!" collides with Alphonse's "Another photo?! Seriously?" But luckily such incidents almost always playfully evolve into Alphonse sticking his tongue out or attempting to sabotage my photo in some other way. And by now it should come as no surprise to you that Alphonse and I can be quite silly at times, so such attempts are well received (and documented via photograph). When I saw that my friend Raph had a photo booth at his wedding, I thought it might be the perfect way to combine my love for (candid) photos and Al's love for (candid) silliness. And photo booth photos (or frames) might make fun favors, right? Of course this may mean cutting down our original photography package, but it might be worth it. We'll keep you updated...
A few photos from Raph's wedding, click to enlarge:

oooo i love that idea!!!!
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