"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." -- Kahlil GibranSo the summer heat is definitely in full effect, and (at least for me) it's back to school time, which usually means it's time for a hair change! Anyone who knows me, probably knows that I get bored with hair easily, which usually results in me cutting and/or coloring my hair. So right about now I'm very much in the mood to chop my hair off, but for the sake of the wedding I'm going to try to grow it out over the next year. Actually, I haven't had long hair since senior year of high school, so this will be a fun experiment for all of us. And to shift the focus to the wedding for a second, as far as hairstyles go, I was thinking of some sort of soft up-do. Any suggestions?

Also, Alphonse and I are going to try to register in the near future, so stay tuned for the registry details! :)
"And your fame spread among the nations on account of your beauty, because the splendor I had given you made your beauty perfect, declares the Sovereign LORD." -- Ezekiel 14:16
the first one is pretty. you could use the yellow freesias flowers.
and long hair... looooooove it. i kind of forget what you look like with long hair...
haha.. i know, me too... it's been so long since i had long hair!
I say try to let your hair grow,only to wear it up with beautiful small flowers around your upsweep. Glad to hear that you two will register!!!!!
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