"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." -- From When Harry Met SallyToday is exactly six months from when Al first proposed to me. Part of me is in disbelief about how quickly time has gone by since that day, while the rest of me feels like: "Let's just do this already!" I can't believe it's still over a year until our wedding!
Six months, twelve months... one thing's for sure: we're still as in love and as silly as ever. To prove it, here are a few pictures from my NJ visit a few weeks ago:
Click to enlarge

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven" -- Ecclesiastes 3:1
hello! =) i got your message on xanga! i was gonna make a blogspot page but i got super lazy and i'm still all up in the xanga-ness sooOOo thats my blogger =) thanks for the compliment!! if you need any help, let me know!! one piece of advice i'd give is to definitely sign up (if you havent already) for the engaged encounter as soon as possible =) and collect your paperwork requirements for whatever church you plan on getting married in! ryan had to get his baptismal certificate from the philippines and it took about 2 months for it to finally get here!
ps. and i'm VERY VERY happy for you also!! YAY to being engaged and most importantly, being BLESSED!!
im soooo happy for the both of you!! the wedding day will be here before you know it and i cant wait =]
btw. i always love your qoutes and bible verses <3.
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