"If the sun always shines, there's a desert below. It takes a little rain to make love grow." -- UnknownSo a couple of entries ago I mentioned my new approach to flower finding, which excludes many different flowers (including this lovely, simple bouquet). Note to future brides: get married in the spring... tons of gorgeous flowers in season! But since a spring wedding wouldn't work for me anyways, let's not cry over spilled milk. So moving on, for the bouquets (mine and the bridesmaids') I think I want to try to keep things simple beautiful (aka not too many different flowers and vibes going on at once). To that end here are a few bouquets from theknot that I've been liking lately:

Clockwise from top left:
- double Dutch tulips and sweet pea -- very simple and light, the sweet peas add some texture
- yellow mini calla lilies, ivory roses, light green hydrangea, and green poms, kumquats, and berries -- a little too busy for me, but I like the way they incorporated unique pieces, like berries
- blue hydrangea ball -- simple and full, i think this might make a nice bridesmaid bouquet
- white peonies and yellow garden roses accented with green hypericum berries and sprigs of rosemary -- again, I love round flowers like peonies, and I like the way they used sprigs and berries.
all the bouquets are beautiful!!!!
my color scheme is a fall version of yours! it's a deeper blue and champagne -- and i totally agree with the hydrangea bouquet. i'm almost certain i'm using them for the bridesmaids. i'll splurge on mine with white calla lilies =)
yay for wedding planning!!!
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